TOP-10 Qualities for a good Startupér

2 min readAug 19, 2021


A startup is promising, interesting and comes with a lot of difficulties that the founder must cope with. A startup must have a set of qualities that will help him withstand tests with flying colors. Check if you have these qualities.

In the process of implementing an idea there are many reasons for stress. After every hard day you must be ready to return to the previous state and fight on.

✔️A wish
The desire to do something new and to be realized will help you find the energy to promote the project.

On the way of a startup mistakes, troubles and outright failures await. Faith in the result is necessary in order not to give up.

✔️Clarity and sobriety
If you cannot soberly evaluate your product and measures to achieve the result, you will not be able to find mistakes and fix them.

To effectively interact with a team you need to understand its needs, desires and motivation. You also need to have a well-developed empathy to make the product that your client really wants.

For a detailed study of a project sometimes it takes hours to deal with one task.

✔️Openness and honesty
This quality helps to build trusting relationships with clients, partners and investors. It’s always nice to deal with what you know everything about. Also, openness will help to establish effective team work.

Starting a new business is always risky, but you have to be willing to take the risk, change direction completely, do something that no one else has done before.

✔️Love for people
If you sincerely care about the implementation of your team, partners and clients, you will be much more responsible for the conditions that they can receive. In a comfortable environment and in their place, employees will bring you maximum results.

What you have achieved should not be enough for you. There is always room for improvement. This is the look that makes a good start-up stand out.




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